


“With a creative mother and a father full of dreams, I was born with creative hands and a mind full of dreams.”

Hello to all my fellow creators who love all things about creating art and print designs.

I’m Nanditha Vijayan, an artist and Print Designer who loves turning a plain white paper into something magical by creating ART inspired by my daily life.

I grew up in a traditional South Indian family where I have seen women who had dreams but were not allowed to work or be independent in their lives. But as I grew up, I wanted to change that system. I wanted to WORK, BE INDEPENDENT and FINANCIALLY STABLE by creating a career I love. This was my BIGGEST GOAL.

I always loved designing, and art was one of the things I ever loved doing right from my childhood. Ever since I graduated from college as a Fashion Designer, got married and came to Germany,I wanted to figure out how I can pursue my career as a Designer.

Along the way I had many roadblocks to start a career , naming a few would be like not knowing German language, and technical skills like Photoshop and Illustrator. Motherhood was playing a huge role on the side too. As I searched my way through these roadblocks, I got to know more about Skillshare, a platform to learn and teach. This was my Trumpcard.

With the help of my husband financially backing me up, I finally started learning and teaching on Skillshare.

Moving through each roadblocks I have had, helped to build a career that I love.

Educating myself, exploring my skills, and finding my answers to that big question, allowed me to fulfill my dreams of becoming the designer I had wished to become. And along this journey, I have started to help women who have big dreams of being artists, designers, and entrepreneurs, who do not know how to get there, and who wish that there was someone to guide them along the way. As a stay-at-home mother, I invested my time, efforts, and money into self-learning.

This is why I like to share what I have learned. As a first step, I have built A to D ACADEMY, Art to Design academy, an online academy, where I can share my knowledge and all the answers to your questions after doing years and years of exploration with brushes, paints, and patterns in Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. I am sharing everything that I have learned in this journey so you don’t have to look for answers throughout the internet as I did, fail an interview not knowing your answers, or spend years trying to explore the right techniques when using tools like Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator that you need to know when building your career as a graphic or print designer. I want to make sure that there is someone to help you with the process, with tools and techniques, so you could become the artist, designer, and creative entrepreneur that you envision for yourself.

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